Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book Box Gets New Door!

Thanks to whoever replaced the original broken wooden door with a metal door.  The metal door was becoming worse for wear, so we made a new wooden one.  Happy book hunting!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


The Ellis Avenue Book Box was appropriated, decorated and installed by artists Katrin Asbury, who is also a veterinarian, and Shawn Greene, who is also a carpenter in early 2008. It seems to have been well received and used. The idea is simple drop off an unwanted book and maybe pick up a book that might be waiting for you. I think it has been great with only a couple of issues. 1. Does anyone really need a Windows98 manual you have been moving with you for over ten years now? I think not so put it in the recycling bin. 2. The first year we had a person that seemed to drop by weekly and take every last book in the box not matter what they were. Rude don't you think? Other than that it has been self sustaining to the point of users doing repairs to it on their own. Thank you readers and users!